Join us
Benefits of membership
Become a member of H2Oteam and take advantage of the many benefits:
- 8% discount in the online shop (H2O team online shop with diving equipment for lime and spearfishing will be available soon)
- Opportunity to participate in organised events of the association
- Discounts at various dive shops around Slovenia
- Possibility to buy licences for spearfishing in Croatia
- Membership fee is a prerequisite for participation in the snorkelling and spearfishing courses.
- Possibility of regular apnea training at several swimming pools in Slovenia
- Access protected content at
- The opportunity to participate in the Society’s forum, where your questions will be answered by experts
The membership fee is valid for one year from the date of payment.
How can you join us?
Joining the Society is easy. All you have to do is click on the button below and enter some of your information that we need for legal reasons to join the association.
The membership fee is only €30 and allows you to enjoy all club benefits for one year.
Payment details:
H2O team sports association,
Koroška cesta 33
2000 Maribor
TRR at Nova KBM d.d.: SI56 0417 3000 1815 549
Purpose of payment: membership fee (year for which you are paying)
Amount: 30,00 EUR
By joining, you agree with everyone: