H2O team potapljanje

About diving in general

About diving in general

Anyone who dives into the sea and comes back from it speechless with excitement and full of the soul of what he has seen there is worthy of more and more visits to the depths (William Beebe).

The underwater world, increasingly revealed to us with modern technology, is increasingly tempting to us mortals. Anyone who has even a little bit of exploratory spirit and the desire to try something new and unknown is tempted to do it, to buy a mask, to look into the blue of the sea. Many people are hindered by the fear that comes with the prospect of something unfamiliar.

Humans develop in the amniotic fluid – the “water” in the mother’s womb – so this environment is not alien to them; on the contrary, it is very familiar and comfortable. One theory of human evolution explains that man evolved in water and crawled out of it onto land, eager to find new and different food. Water is definitely a medium in which one feels good. But he needs a technical aid for his trip to the underwater world, as he has lost the umbilical cord that connects him to the outside world in his mother’s womb.

Anyone who has looked beneath the surface of the sea and lost a little of the fear of being cramped, helpless when walking freely, swimming underwater, will be constantly drawn to it. If he does it with joy, intelligence and awareness of his limitations, the underwater world will offer him beauty that cannot be experienced anywhere else. Anyone who experiences this, who is not corrupted by fear, will return again and again.

Researchers and filmmakers have done a lot to bring this to our attention, by making films and presenting them to us on small screens, while researching the underwater world and life in the sea. For more than 30 years, J.Y. Cousteau and his crew have been delighting us with their ever-new films, discoveries and the beautiful colours that explorers encounter as they work, exploring the underwater world, fresh waters, seas and oceans.

Why did we decide to bring diving closer to you with this website? Anything that is unusual and modern can also be dangerous. It is easy to avoid danger if we know where it is lurking, where to expect it. It is good to know when we are being too provocative, because some people do it more or less deliberately, which is why we hear more and more about diving accidents, and also to improve the flow of information.

I wonder who would authorise a non-life-saving operation if they knew there was an 80% risk of death. Many people embark on adventures underwater which, because of their ignorance, carry as much or more risk. They are not aware of the risks, they do not know what they could, should do to reduce the risk. Our aim is to educate and inform people a little bit more about diving and, of course, to get them excited about this sport, which is increasingly becoming a tourism, an activity, a pastime, a pastime of leisure and is becoming more “IN” every day.

I ask all of you who will be our readers not to try things that we are only telling you about from history, from experience. Stick to our instructions and only do what is tried and tested, what is used and what is the doctrine of diving. For everything else, try us out by asking us, either on our forum or by email. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We have experts on our staff: doctors, physicists, biologists, chemists, diving instructors, ….., who will be happy to answer your questions, advise you on the correct handling and explain the consequences of improper handling. Believe us, the consequences of just learning about it can be so terrible that it is not worth it. Especially when they have been experienced and passed on to us by others. For this reason, when diving, we should learn from the experiences of others, which should be both a guide and a reminder.

This is another reason that gave us the impetus to approach diving in this way, to make it known to a wider circle of people. With the unchecked penetration of the capitalist mentality into our everyday life, when anyone who knows something, who dares to do something, can be an entrepreneur, regardless of the consequences (cheating people, evasion, …… and earning on ignorance), even in our ranks of divers, there are entrepreneurs who build their earnings on frivolity, on ignorance. We will try to show you that not all that glitters is gold, not all that is good is expensive or cheap.

All of you who choose to dive and who dive, think about what it is that makes diving enjoyable, that still releases enough adrenaline to keep you from paying too high a price for it.

In Slovenia, there are also businessmen in diving who want to make a business out of diving, but it’s a pity, a really big pity, that these people don’t know anything else. They have gone back more than a century in their thinking and working methods, using state-of-the-art technology. This is not consistent and is the cause of the rise in diving deaths. And that is only to the detriment of this beautiful sport.

You are probably wondering why we don’t point the finger at these people. Nothing helps. We would only be doing them more publicity and a disservice. You, the consumers, the potential divers, need to start to separate the good from the bad, the beneficial from the dangerous, ….. . It is true that disaster never rests.

With this introductory writing I did not want to discourage anyone from diving, maybe just to scare you a little and encourage you to read our pages regularly and learn from them just the judgement in diving. But fear is necessary and good, and I tell you that when you dive you will get rid of it once you are convinced of what the instructors (the real ones) teach you and you understand all the physical, physiological, … laws that have to be respected and obeyed.

There are no age restrictions for diving. Our associations are open to all new members who want to share the beauty of being underwater with us. Unfortunately, there are some health restrictions, but very few people fall into this category and our doctors will examine you and recommend what is best for you.

As technology gets better and better, the vastness of the underwater world, like the vastness of outer space, is getting closer and closer to us. They are becoming familiar, closer to all of us, even the most ordinary mortals.

Pioneers of underwater exploration passed on their discoveries, the beauty they saw and the feelings they experienced to friends, known and unknown enthusiasts. Man, with his adaptability, soon began to use all this knowledge to his advantage. A trip underwater and to the moon is becoming a common tourist attraction.

Like safaris in the African wilderness, kite safaris in the seas are no longer a curiosity, but attract and are affordable for a growing number of people. It’s the same with visiting the underwater world. Offers for seaside destinations usually include additional offers or package deals to visit specific locations underwater.

The underwater world is getting closer and closer to us, and the dangers and accidents that happen when we live in it are becoming more common and more frequent every day.

We are human, we like to feel good, we don’t believe what we don’t experience, even though we are taught that we put our own lives at risk by our actions.

All that is unknown, unknowable is not safe. Even though we are aware of certain problems, of certain legalities, we can hardly act on them if we are not sure that these legalities are valid. Why doesn’t all the traffic from motorists, cyclists and pedestrians flow on one side of the road? Why is it safer to walk on the left side of the road than on the right? like in the middle of the road?

Diving is as safe a sport as walking on the road. You just have to follow the rules, the legalities, not veer off the road, walk on the side roads. Like walking in the Himalayas, diving on these sites is more dangerous, requires better physical and mental fitness and, of course, technical equipment. Any such deviation increases our risk, and we need to be aware of that. In the event of a retreat, it is necessary to increase safety, not to test the level of risk and the limits of your psychophysical abilities.

All of us have experienced some inconvenience. Some want to forget it immediately. Others cannot accept that we have to give up something for it. These people, by thinking, by learning, are looking for ways to overcome it, to open up a new world for themselves, and thus to come to new visions and insights.

We hope you enjoy reading our articles and have a safe diving experience.
