H2O team potapljanje

Nekorekten odnos CMAS-a do športa

Nekorekten odnos CMAS-a do športa

Svetovni pokal v plavanju s plavutmi se organizira že od leta 1992 dalje. Nastal je kot tekmovanje, ki naj bi nadomestilo tekmovanja v nekdanji Jugoslaviji. Zaradi vojne smo se v Sloveniji povezali s sosednjimi, bližnjimi državami, namen pa je bil organizirati dobro, močno tekmovanje za predvsem mlade tekmovalce in jim tako omogočiti primerjavo med seboj ter hitrejši napredek.

Prvi organizatorji in pobudniki tekmovanja so bili klubi: PD Maribor iz Slovenije, Žralok iz Bratislave v Slovaški in Kaposvar iz Kaposvarja v Madžarski ter Minska iz Belorusije, kmalu so se nam pridružili še Klaipeda iz Litve in CSK Novosibirsk iz Rusije.

Po nekaj letih se je tekmovanja udeleževalo že več kot 70 društev iz več kot 30 držav, da o številu tekmovalcev ne govorim. Skratka pokazal se je velik interes in potreba po takšnem tekmovanju. Takrat se je na željo udeležencev tudi preimenoval v Svetovni pokal v plavanju s plavutmi.

Želja organizatorjev je bila, da se tekmovanje organizira kot uradno tekmovanje CMAS, vendar so uradniški mlini mleli zelo počasi in včasih sploh ne. Ko se je na vrhu menjala ekipa, so se začeli vrteti znova in spet znova, tako da smo se na koncu za pokroviteljstvo nad tekmovanjem dogovorili s CEDIP (mednarodna organizacija potapljaških inštruktorjev Evrope).

CMAS, ki pa tu in še v nekaterih drugih organizacijah vidi neke svoje nasprotnike, čarovnice, pa je proti vsem potapljačem, ki se ukvarjajo s potapljaškimi športi, …. začel gonjo, ter na svoji spletni strani objavil:


CMAS unfair against sport

World cup in fin swimming was organized since 1992. It is commenced as competition, which will be replacing fin-swimming competitions in ex Yugoslavia. Because of the war, Slovenian fin swimmers wished to connect with nearest countries. Purpose of such connection has been to organize, good, strong, competitions especially for young competitors that this way can compare results and make rapid progress.

First organizers and initiators were clubs: PD Maribor from Slovenia, Žralok from Bratislava in Slovakia, Kaposvar from Kaposvar in Hungary and Minsk from Belarus. Next year joined us Klaipeda from Litva in CSK Novosibirsk from Russia.

After some years, there were more than 70 clubs from more then 30 countries and more than 300 competitors participating on these competitions. Clubs have the need and a great interest on such competitions. Regarding the interest of participants we named this competition as Word cup in fin swimming.

Wish of organizers and competitors was that this competitions would be official recognized as CMAS competitions, but official mules were milling slowly. Very slowly and then stopped. When member of CMAS fin swimming commission was changed, they began to mill again and again from the beginning. So we were asking CEDIP (European committee of Professional Diving instructors) for patronage our competition, and we received answer in less then 1 year.

CMAS sees CEDIP, Word cup in fin swimming and some other international diving and free diving associations as their enemy. A witch, and so has been starting a fight against all divers, which are interested in diving sports. They started a war and announced on his web pages:

Attendance to non CMAS competitions

If some athletes, members of federations affiliated with CMAS, take part in events organised by not affiliated bodies, and if the here practised disciplines are those normally organised by CMAS, it is proposed

  1. C.M.A.S. sports licence of these athletes is cancelled until Dec. 31 of the following civil year,
  2. if the participation of these athletes is assured and approved by their affiliated federation, an official warning will be sent to this federation communicating at the same time to stop the participation of their athletes in those events.
  3. In case of rejection and recidivism the federation will be excluded
  1. from the corresponding sports commission at the first recidivism.
  2. from the Sports Committee at the second recidivism.

Affiliation to non CMAS organisations

  1. federations being in this situation of double membership will stop it, not later than December 31, 2006, by deciding to which organisation trust the defence of their interests and thus choosing with which they want be affiliated.
  2. if the federation chooses to be affiliated with another organisation or in case of lack of answer in due time, this federation will loose its rights within C.M.A.S.

S tem je uradno napovedal vojno proti vsem organizacijam, športnikom, …. ki se ne bodo podredili njihovim zahtevam, normam.

Ta vojna napoved velja vsem, tudi apneistom, kot v kontekstu zgleda tudi potapljaškim šolam.

Želim vas povabiti, da se skupaj upremo takšnemu terorju, ne s terorjem temveč s podporo organizatorjem, to pa lahko naredimo tako, da se udeležimo tekmovanja in tako nagradimo, pohvalimo, podpremo trud organizatorjev.

Deklaracija CMAS ni v skladu z mednarodnimi normami, saj grozi, prepoveduje, omejuje, … kar je v nasprotju z vsemi mednarodnimi deklaracijami o človekovih pravicah. In če ne bo šlo drugače in se CMAS ne bo začel zavedati svoje vloge po povezovanju in združevanju ter bo še dalje uporabljal metodo sile in prisile, bo pač zadevo potrebno obelodaniti (prijaviti) pri kakšni mednarodni instituciji, ki se ukvarja s pravicami ljudi.

  With this declaration he officially announced war against all organizations and sportsmen which will not subordinate to CMAS demands and norms.

This is war against all, finswimers, freedivers, as well as divers and diving clubs, judged by what we can reed from context of declaration.

I would like to invite you to join forces and together resign against such terror, not with terror but with support to organizers. This we can do by taking part in such competitions and so reward, support the effort of organizers.

CMAS declaration was against all international norms, they treated, prohibited, restrict, what is against international declaration of human rights. CMAS didn’t realize his basic role to connect and combine the sport and now they are using methods of power and constrain and we must report about this to international institutions which are working on human rights.


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