H2O team potapljanje

prehodnost sinusov

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  • #6897



    Ne vem če to vprašanje sodi v to temo, ampak vseeno. Zanima me kako ohranjate prehodnost sinusov čez zimo, oz. kako se pripravite na prvi lov.

    Ker grem lovit v maju me malo skrbi, da bom imel probleme z izenačevanjem. Vsak dan si nos spiram s fiziološko raztopino, vendar se mi zdi, da sinusov na ta način ne morem očistiti. Ali obstaja še kakšna varijanta? Kakšen vpliv na sinuse ima potapljanje v bazenu? Ali pomaga, ali vse še poslabša?



    zanimiva dilema ozr. vprašanja. nekateri imajo resne težave s sinusi in jim to velikokrat prepreči potapljanje ali lov. jaz imam alergije, ki se odražajo na nosni sluznici (spokane žilice ipd), vendar zaradi tega nimam težav s sinusi. za njihovo prehodnost torej ne počnem ničesar posebnega, ko imamo prehlade ali nahod nos ni prehoden, sicer pa normalno. morda bo kdo od medicincev kaj več povedal, sicer pa sem na ostalih forumih zasledil, da ob resnih težavah s sinusi medicina dobro pomaga. vendar mislim na resni obisk pri specialistu.


    Tudi jaz ne počnem nič posebnega za prehodnost sinosov. Predvsem pa pomaga redno nošenje kape, da pokriješ čelo in splošno se je potrebno pazit pred prehladom. Redno izpihovanje nosu je tudi dobro, kar se tiče spiranja z fiziloško tekočino pa je pomoje tako najboljša stvar. Če se ti zdi da ne spereš sinusov je mogoče tudi kaj na tehniki narobe. Nenazadnje je mogoče uporabit tudi kakšne kapljice za nos. Jaz sem imel enkrat neko razpršilo (mislim, da Flixonase), ki se je kar obneslo, vsaj kratkoročno. Če imaš pa resnejše težave pol pa res najbolje k specialistu.



    Zdravo, jaz bi tudi nekaj dodala. Glede na to, da sem alergična na brezo mam spomladi skoz poln nos, kljub temu, da jemljem zdravila spomladi.Še najbolj me moti to ko plavam na bazenu…mi je kr za znoret občutek. Sam pomoje imamo vsi več ali manj poln nos…obstaja pa ziher kak sprej ki ti sčisti vse to, vprašaj v lekarni.

    Aja, pa ne sekiraj se v naprej kaj bo al kaj ne bo. Probaj si vzet kak sprej preden greš na morje, morda ti prav pride.



    Bom res najprej poskusu dobit kaj pametnega v lekarni. Upam da bo pomagal, ker si res ne želim kakšnih kirurških posegov v nosu. 😥

    Za odgovore se vam najlepše zahvaljujem in vas pozdravljam!



    Obstaja gimnastika eustahijeve cevi:

    General Instructions

    • Remove necklaces and all that grips the neck.

    • Straighten the head rather than looking down.

    • Hold the hyoid bone in one hand without shaking too hard and get in front of a mirror to see Adam’s apple, or hold a mirror in the other hand (Note: The hyoid bone is the little bone that holds Adam’s apple).

    • The exercises are done preferably in the morning, fasting; observe a 5-second rest between exercises.

    • The duration of this program is 1 month, divided into 4 1-week periods.

    Exercises in the first week

    Do these exercises three times every morning on an empty stomach, for a week. Exercise slowly, with a 5 second pause between exercises.

    A. Tongue exercises

    1. Mouth wide open, pull tongue forward so as to reach your chin with the tip of your tongue. Then, mouth still wide open, bring the tongue back, leaving the tip of the tongue on the floor of the mouth. Push back and down the base of the tongue. Check the lowering of the hyoid bone and Adam’s apple in the mirror. It should be at its maximum.

    2. Mouth wide open, put the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors and, with the tip of the tongue, scrape the palate backwards trying to touch the uvula.

    3. Mouth wide open, the tip of the tongue being applied against the lower incisors, get the tongue out of the mouth as much as possible, the tip of the tongue always remaining applied against the lower incisors.

    B. Exercises with the soft palate

    Mouth wide open, tongue at rest in the mouth, do a swallowing movement, stopping when the soft palate starts to contract. Check the lowering of the hyoid bone. This exercise, the most important, is successful where the beginning of swallowing causes nausea. (ptyx: sounds like fun!)

    C. Combined exercises with tongue and soft palate

    Mouth wide open, the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, the back of the tongue being pushed down and back, practice an incomplete swallowing movement, stopping at the stage of contraction of the soft palate. Check the effectiveness of this exercise. The hyoid bone, moved down by the thrust at the bottom and back of the base of the tongue must be lowered even more by the movement of incomplete swallowing arrested during contraction of the palate.

    Exercises in the second week

    To exercises A, B and C add:

    D. Exercises with jaw, tongue and palate

    Mouth half closed, lower jaw extended forward, the tip of the tongue resting against the lower incisors, tongue out of the mouth as much as possible, do an incomplete swallowing movement stopping during the contraction of the soft palate.

    E. Closed mouth exercises

    Mouth closed, practice exercises B, C and D, with particular emphasis on exercise B.

    Exercises during the third week

    Practice all the exercises, but on a fast pace with an emphasis on exercise B, mouth closed.

    Exercises during the fourth week

    Same exercises, but mouth closed for A, B, C and D – and increase the repetitions for E:

    Mouth closed,

    • C, D E five times

    • B ten times

    (ptyx: it’s confusing in French as well)

    Check effectiveness

    Twice a week, do the Valsalva maneuver (Blow strongly mouth closed and nose pinched). Then do exercise B, mouth closed, and assess the number of contractions of the palate necessary to remove the impression of fullness in the ear.

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