H2O team potapljanje

Lago Cornino

  • Avtor
  • #6734


    Glede na to da je to neki naravni park, rezervat, a pustijo sploh tauhat?




    Menda pustijo, samo moraš prej dovoljenje dobit.



    A veš tudi kje in kako lahko dobiš dovoljenje? Ker tale slikica zgleda zelo obetavna. A si našla še kje kaj več slik?



    Kolega mi je kazal fotografijo , ko se pod vodo ven vidi hribe. Jo bom probala najti , ker je bila fenomenalna. Bom še malo prebrskala za informacije, pa napišem kako pa kaj..



    ekola, dodajam informacije, samo še tisto fotografijo moram ugotovit kje je zvohal:

    Lake Cornino, Udine, Italy

    There are many lakes in Northern Italy, but few are regularly dived. Glaciers slowly gouged out the trenches which filled with water when the glaciers retreated at the end of the last Ice Age. Most were filled by river vegetation and mineral deposits and disappered. Even the ones that survive to this day may be slowly disappearing.

    Lake Cornino has a surface area of about 8,500 square metres and a maximum depth of just 8m, with the levels fluctuating by half a metre over the course of the year. In about a decade, the maximum depth will drop by about 1m. In 1919 it was 9.6m deep.

    The average water temperature is about 8şC and is constant throughout the year. The lake is fed by a system of underwater springs and channels, the exact origins of which no one knows. Visibility is changeable, but you can usually see the bottom of the lake from the surface, especially close to the shores. Dive to the bottom and you will find big blocks of limestone and perhaps some algal growth. The majority of vegetation is confined to the shores and is most prolific in spring and summer. You don’t find many fish here, apart from a few breeding species placed in the lake by anglers. The most common species are salmon and trout, and keen-eyed divers may also find the occasional freshwater shrimp.

    Need to know

    Accommodation: Hotel Glicini,

    fax: 00 39 0432 7808026. From 42 euros per person per night.

    Air fills: there is no local dive centre, but you can ask the Club Subacqueo Udinese,

    tel: 00 39 0432 506050.

    Warning: as the lake is in a nature reserve, you have to ask for permission to dive from the municipal office, fax: 00 39 0427 808137 and mark your fax for the attention of Guglielmo Biasutti.

    Further information: see the website http://www.parks.it/riserva.lago.cornino




    Ojla, da se še jaz oglasim!

    Stvar je obetavna in zanimiva. Nekaj kilometrov nad njim je še eno jezero Lago di Cavazzo (pa nima veze z našim Cavazzo … :D ) in kol’ko sem ocenil, je to en lepi vikend izlet s potapljanjem …. ali ne??

    Morem še kaj napisat? Samo datum določimo in evo nas ….



    Kakor rečete šefe. :D



    😯 😯 😯

    kdaj gremo?!



    Verjetno v novembru!

    Drugi teden bom za vse “hrabre” in one druge s suhimi oblekami, dal ven seznam lokacij za čez zimo, cca. 2 lokaciji na mesec !! 😉



    treba bo kredit za suho obleko vzet 🙄

    drugače pa nevem kaj še čakamo…



    Đuro wrote:

    treba bo kredit za suho obleko vzet 🙄

    Ne bo treba, jih bomo poceni kupili, samo malo še počakaj!! Za božička 😉 !

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