H2O team potapljanje

Advanced freediving course

Advanced freediving course




During the lectures, students learn, among other things, advanced breathing techniques and how to equalize pressure at great depths when conventional equalization fails. Chapters on anatomy, physiology and physics specific to deep diving are covered in depth.

– Deepening the theoretical knowledge important for safely achieving better results in breath-hold diving.
– Independent training and achieving minimum results in statics (2min), dynamics (50m) and depth (-20m).
– Upon completion of the course, students are trained to plan and execute safe dives to greater depths.


Theoretical part: 6 hours
Breathing and relaxation techniques: 2 hours
Swimming pool: 4.5 hours
Sea: 6 hours

The theoretical part:

6 hours of lectures
– Equipment for experienced and competitive inhalation divers,
– risk of decompression sickness,
– muscle building and energy expenditure,
– Training concepts and formats to improve results,
– planning dives into the deep,
– advanced breathing techniques and pressure equalisation using a “mouth fillo”,
– proper nutrition and hydration,
– 10 rules for safe breathing diving.

Practical part in the pool:

4,5 hours
– stretching and warming up,
– repetition of the correct dive and fin swim,
– Trying out practical exercises for different training concepts,
– Performing the entire training session in dynamic apnea without fins,
– Performing the entire workout in dynamic apnea with fins,
– Performing the entire workout in static apnoea,
– Maximum dives in all disciplines.

Practical part at sea:

3 days, 8 hours (deep dives, breathing and relaxation exercises)
– breathing exercises to increase the flexibility of the diaphragm and chest,
– the meaning, rules and exercises of visualisation,
– morning stretching,
– setting up diving platforms independently,
– diving with the help of a “lanyard”,
– saving energy during the dive and free-fall,
– constant weight diving with fins to a maximum of 30 metres,
– constant weight diving without fins to a maximum of 20 metres,
– free-diving up to a maximum of 25 metres,
– Self-rescue, protection and rescue of the casualty from greater depths.

The course will be led by international PSS Instructor Trainer Jure Daić. The practical part of the course is taught by several instructors.

Price includes:

– Lectures,
– access to the swimming pool,
– the sea part of the course,
PSS advance freediver international licence,
– Diploma,
– rental of missing equipment

All students must be members of the H2O team. The annual membership fee is EUR 30.

The theoretical and pool part of the course is held in Maribor, Ljubljana and Krk. The sea part of the course is held on Krk, which allows the courses to be held even in bad weather.

All students must be over 15 years of age and must have successfully completed the PSS Freediver course or equivalent from another school.

The course is not recommended for heart patients, people with chronic sinus problems or ear infections.

Your own equipment is not necessary, but it is desirable.


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